的 Office of 出国留学 welcomes you back to the United States and to campus! You will want to tell people all about your experiences, and we want to help you do that! 如果您有兴趣成为我们办公室的学生工作者,请与我们联系(我们的带薪职位数量有限)。, 在活动中担任志愿者或为未来的海外留学参与者担任同伴顾问. 当我们有具体活动时,我们也会与您联系, 比如出发前的定向, 在什么地方我们可以利用你的观点.
有很多理由期待回家, 但也有一些心理上的, 社会和文化方面,这可能是困难的-往往是因为他们是意想不到的. 下面的清单是通过采访像你一样经历过并很好地生存下来的学生而得出的. 然而, 他们说你应该认真对待这个过程,实事求是地思考它和你可能的反应. 他们提供了以下关于重返职场的想法,希望能让你的回归更愉快,更有成效.
1. 无聊: 毕竟你在国外经历了那么多新鲜刺激的事情, 回归家庭, 朋友, and old routines (however nice and comforting) can seem very dull. 怀念在国外学习的兴奋和挑战是很自然的, but it is up to you to find ways to overcome such negative reactions – remember, 一个无聊的人也很无聊.
2. “没人想听” 有一件事你可以指望在你回来的时候:没有人会像你分享这些经历一样对听你的冒险和胜利感兴趣. 这不是对你或你的成就的拒绝, but simply the fact that once they have heard the highlights, any further interest on your audiences’ part is probably unlikely. 要现实地期望你的旅程对其他人来说是多么的迷人. 是短暂的.
3. 你无法解释: 即使有机会解释你在国外学习时看到的所有风景和感受, it is likely to be at least a bit frustrating to relay them coherently. 要把这种体验传达给没有类似参照系或旅行背景的人是非常困难的, 不管他们作为听众有多同情你. 你可以告诉别人你的旅行, but you may fail to make them understand exactly how or why you felt a particular way. 没关系.
4. 扭转“乡愁”: Just as you probably missed home for a time after arriving overseas, it is just as natural to experience some reverse homesickness for the people, 的地方, and things that you grew accustomed to as a student overseas. 在某种程度上,可以通过写信来减少, 打电话, 通常保持联系, 但失落感是国际旅居不可分割的一部分,必须预料到并接受它,作为出国留学的自然结果.
5. 人际关系发生了变化: 不可避免的是,当你回来的时候,你会发现一些与朋友和家人的关系发生了变化. Just as you have altered some of your ideas and attitudes while abroad, the people at home are likely to have experienced some changes. 这些变化可能是积极的,也可能是消极的, but expecting that no change will have occurred is unrealistic. 最好的准备是灵活、开放、最小的先入之见和适度的乐观.
6. 人们看到了“错误”的变化: 有时,人们可能会关注你行为或想法上的微小变化,似乎受到了威胁或不安. Others may ascribe “bad” traits to the influence of your time abroad. 这些事件可能是由嫉妒、恐惧或优越感或自卑感引起的. 为了避免或尽量减少它们,有必要监控自己,并注意周围人的反应, 尤其是在你回来后的头几周. This phase normally passes quickly if you do nothing to confirm their stereotypes.
7. 人误解: 有些人会误解你的言语或行为,从而导致沟通困难. 例如,你所认为的幽默(尤其是讽刺、戏谑等).) and ways to show affection or establish conversation may not be seen as wit, 但是攻击性或“炫耀”.“相反, a silence that was seen as simply polite overseas might be interpreted at home, 不正确, 表示同意或反对. 新的服装风格或举止可能被视为挑衅、不合适或做作. 在英语对话中不断地引用外国的地方或胡乱地使用外语表达或单词通常被认为是吹牛. 要意识到别人会怎么看你,以及你的行为可能会被如何解读.
8. 疏离感: 有时候,回到“家”的现实并不像你在脑海中想象的那样自然或愉快. When real daily life is less enjoyable or more demanding than you remembered, 感到一些疏离感是很自然的. 许多海归培养了“挑剔的眼睛”, a tendency to see faults in the society you never noticed before. Some even become quite critical of everyone and everything for a time. 这和你第一次离家时没有什么不同. 心理比较很好, 但在你重新获得文化平衡和平衡的视角之前,你要把它们留给自己.
9. 不能应用新知识和技能的: Many returnees are frustrated by the lack of opportunity to apply newly gained social, 技术, 语言, and practical coping skills that appear to be unnecessary or irrelevant at home. 为了避免持续的烦恼:必要时适应现实, 改变可能发生的事, 要有创意, 要有耐心, 最重要的是,利用你在国外学到的跨文化适应技能来帮助你自己重新融入社会.
10. 经验缺失/划分(打鞋): 在家, 再加上工作的压力, 家庭, 和朋友, often combine to make returnees worried that somehow they will “lose” the experience. 许多人担心它会像纪念品或相册一样被分隔开来,放在盒子里,只是偶尔拿出来看看. You do not have to let that happen: maintain your contacts abroad; seek out and talk to people who have had experiences similar to yours; practice your cross-cultural skills; continue language learning. Remember and honor both your hard 工作 and the fun you had while abroad.
与其他从国外回来的人交谈,分享你的经历、挫折和快乐. 这些人可以帮助你度过难关. 几乎每个人都同意.
锻炼. 内啡肽可以消除重返悲伤.
Focus on how you are now better off from the experiences you have had.
重燃你在国外的冒险精神. 探索家.
Go out of your way to make new 朋友, just as you did abroad.
寻找当地的物理支持. 如果你想念德国,就去世界市场买德国巧克力,如果你想念日本,就去买日本茶. 一切都可以在互联网上找到.
Continue language learning if that was a part of your study away experience.
Speak with a counselor if your readjustment to home is challenging.
既然你知道作为一个外国人是什么感觉,那就做一个国际学生的导师吧. 联系 留学生办公室 & 学者 或你的家乡校园获取更多信息.
Showcase Your 出国留学 Experience in a Professional Setting
的 职业生涯的办公室 这是一个很好的资源,可以帮助你学习如何在专业环境中讨论你的学习经历(工作面试, 重新开始, 等.)
如果你在国外学习一门语言, 你可能会想尽一切办法, 一旦你回来, to maintain the proficiency you've 工作ed so hard to achieve. As difficult as it was to insist on speaking that other language on your program, 即使是和其他以英语为母语的人, it will be that much more difficult 一旦你回来 stateside...——但这是可以做到的.
- If it's a language taught at SEU, take upper-level courses in the language. 如果SEU不正式教的话, 请与语言系主任联系,以获得其他额外的指导或其他资源.
- 联系留学主任和国际学生服务主任, 关于涉及其他海归和来自目标语言国家的国际学生的社会活动. This gives you the added benefit of spending time with people who, 像你这样的, are dealing with "re-entry shock" and re-adjusting to SEU after studying abroad.
- 重视听课, 方, 以及其他与你留学目的地的语言和文化相关的校园活动. Many language departments invite speakers not only to a lecture, 而是和老师和感兴趣的学生共进晚餐. 一些学校要求学生用目标语言介绍他们的海外经历(其他学校可能会鼓励这样做). Several departments hire Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTAs), 谁的处境和你在国外时差不多. It is both their job and their pleasure to speak with you in their native language. And you will each find a natural ally in the battle for cross-cultural understanding!
- 租用目标语言的视频和dvd. If you're still struggling with the language, consider subtitled materials. 如果你能不看字幕,那就更好了.
- Look for summer and on-campus jobs that will allow you to use the language.
- 考虑选择你需要用目标语言阅读或做研究的论文和论文主题.
- 在线报纸和杂志是了解所在国时事的好方法. Olin may well have fiction or other books in the target language, 所以也要留出一些时间来阅读. You may well be able to order books from your host country online.
- 与你的寄宿家庭保持联系, 教授, 当地的朋友, 你的项目主管, and others you met abroad is a great opportunity not only to keep up with the language, but to maintain your sense of belonging to a community abroad. Many study abroad participants go back to their host countries to visit, 工作, 或者做研究, and of course those visits are much nicer when you have people you care about to see!
- 尤其是如果你有车或者有交通工具的话, find ways to connect to the expatriate community from your host country here. 举个例子, 你可以询问与公立学校的联系,帮助当地学生学习所在国的语言和文化.
- 逆向文化冲击.E. Rybol
- 的 出国留学 Journal: Your Roadmap to an Epic Experience Abroad by Brooke Roberts & 娜塔莉·加勒特
- Returning from 出国留学 Feels like Starting Over by Mark Marino
- 的 Six Stages You Go Through After Returning from 出国留学 by Nicole Mormann
- Re-Entry: Returning 首页 from Studying Abroad by Jake Fischer
- 7 Ways to Cope with Re-Entry Shock after Studying Abroad by College Tourist
- 5 Years Later: What I Really Learned from 出国留学 by Mary Ellen Dingley
- Tips for Dealing with Reverse Culture Shock When You Return 首页 by Trixie Cordova