
Students majoring in 化学 study how material substances interact, combine and change. 有了这些知识, 你可以找到治疗疾病的方法, 创造新产品, 为世界不断增长的人口开发有营养的食物, 监测污染源,保护环境, 或者分析证据来破案.

作为一名在圣. 爱德华的, you’ll learn to think both scientifically and creatively. 用最先进的设备进行研究. 爱德华的 is considered one of the best-equipped and best-funded small college chemistry departments in the country.

在区域和国家会议上介绍你的工作, 在那里你可以和工作中的科学家接触. Win competitive summer research apprenticeships at universities across the country — funded by the National Science Foundation — where you can get experience studying different subfields of chemistry and focus in on your career direction. And learn in small classes from professors who mentor you every step of the way.


化学专业s go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 亨斯迈公司科学家
  • 质量化学实验室化验师
  • R&宝洁公司的研究员 & 赌博
  • National Science Foundation 研究生 Research Fellow and PhD candidate at UC Berkeley
  • 空军研究实验室的博士后
  • Medicinal 化学 PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
  • 密歇根大学化学生物学博士候选人
  • Inorganic 化学 PhD candidate at the University of California Irvine
  • 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究生, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 和 University of California Santa Cruz


Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 使用 化学BA专业指南 or 化学专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来. 


化学专业 克里斯·杰克逊16岁 应对气候变化. Read about how he’s continuing the research he started at St. 爱德华在读研究生.


Students majoring in 化学 can explore career paths and practical application of their studies through research, conferences and interactions with the greater Austin community. The 化学 faculty have been very successful in securing external funding in support of curricular innovation, 现代实验室仪器和本科生研究.


 In addition to an ongoing departmental research grant from the Welch Foundation, the department has secured curricular and equipment grants from the National Science Foundation, 凯克基金会 教育进修基金. 我们是由美国政府资助的.S. 部门. of Education under the Title V provision and through a five-year, $2.75 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences as part of a consortium that includes St. 365比分网电竞, Southwestern University 和 University of Texas at Austin. We are proud to be considered one of the best-equipped and best-funded small college chemistry departments in the country.


    该校化学相关专业的学生. 365比分网电竞 may apply for Welch Foundation undergraduate research scholarships — including a summer scholarship that provides a six-week stipend to conduct research.


    Students are encouraged to present their results at professional meetings, such as regional and national meetings of the American Chemical Society 和 Texas Academy of Science. Students also have the opportunity to present at the annual SOURCE Symposium of undergraduate research on the St. 爱德华的校园.